
chicken rendang recipe ( resep ayam rendang ) Indonesian

lime grilled chicken ( ayam bakar limau ) indonesian recipes

seafood fried rice ( nasi goreng seafood ) indonesian recipes

fried Shahe fen with seafood ( kuew tiau goreng seafood ) chinese recipes

ice tamarind recipe ( es asam jawa ) indonesian recipe

smashed beef ribs ala jakarta ( iga penyet ) indonesian recipes

curry fish head ( gulai kepala ikan ) indonesian recipes

klepon cake ( kue klepon ) indonesian recipes

mix vegetable in tamarind ala padang ( sayur asam padang ) indonesian recipes

mix vegetable in tamarind ala betawi ( sayur asam betawi ) indonesia recipe

tempeh satay with peanut sauce ( sate tempe bumbu kacang )

padang crab sauce ( kepiting saus padang ) indonesia recipes

griled rica tempeh ( tempe rica bakar ) indonesian recipes

meat ball chili sambal ( sabal goreng bola daging ) indonesia recipes

baozi ( bakpao ) chinese recipe

indian curry chicken ( kari ayam india ) indian recipe

hitsit soup ( sup hitsit ) chinese recipe

konro soup ( sup konro ) indonesia recipes

sweet potato ball cake ( kue bola ubi ) indonesia recipes

kungpao chicken ( ayam kungpao ) chinese recipe

betawi ulam rice ( nasi ulam betawi )

satay padang ( sate padang )

grilled chicken with salad ( salad ayam panggang )

coconut chicken ( ayam masak kelapa )

fruit ice ( es buah )

rica rica duck ( bebek rica rica )

black coconut ice ( es kelapa hitam )

Cream Mushroom Soup ( krim sup jamur ) For Vegetarian

kebab chicken ( ayam kebab )

fried fish with potato salad ( ikan goreng dengan salad kentang )

Baked Eggplant Teriyaki Sauce ( terung saus teriyaki )

wedang ronde

broccoli oyster sauce ( brokoli saus tiram ) healty food

Fish in Banana Leaves (Pepes Ikan)

sweet martabak ( martabak manis )

green banana ice ( es pisang ijo )