padang crab sauce ( kepiting saus padang ) indonesia recipes

padang crab sauce ( kepiting saus padang ) indonesia recipes

padang crab sauce ingredients:
2 large crabs
Cooking oil to taste
5 cm ginger, crushed
1 red tomatoes, cut into pieces
3 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tbsp tomato sauce
2 tablespoons chili sauce
150 ml of water / broth
1 teaspoon pepper
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2-3 tablespoons rice flour, dissolved in a little water

finely crushed seasoning:
5 spring onions
3 cloves of garlic
5 pieces of curly red chili
5 pieces of red chili
3 cm turmeric, grilled
3 eggs pecans, toasted


1. Clean the crabs, cut into pieces. Crab fried in hot oil until cooked. Or it could be boiled until cooked. Remove and drain.

2. Heat 4 tablespoons cooking oil, saute ground spices, ginger, and tomatoes until fragrant.

3. Add oyster sauce, tomato sauce, chili sauce, water / broth, pepper, sugar and rice flour solution. Cook until sauce thickens.

4. Enter the crabs, mix with seasoning. Lift and serve.
