
tandoori chicken ( ayam tandoori ) recipe

grilled chicken teriyaki ( ayam teriyaki bakar )

Beef Skin Crackers In Javanese Sauce ( Sambal Goreng Krecek ) indonesian recipes

kuluyuk sweet and sour chicken ( ayam kuluyuk )

woku chicken ala manado ( ayam woku manado ) recipes indonesian

fried noodles ( mie goreng ) indonesian recipes

Fried Tempeh in spicy sauce ( Kering tempe ) Indonesian recipes

javanese tempeh & chili sauce ( sambal tumpang ) indonesian recipes

Meat and Grated Curry ala makasar ( pallu basa ) indonesian recipes

besengek chikcen ( Ayam Besengek ) indonesian recipes

wingko babat cake ( wingko babat ) indonesian recipes

Steamed Coconut Cupcakes ( Putu Ayu ) Indonesian Recipes

Lumpur Cake ( Kue Lumpur ) indonesian recipes

spiced Sambal egg ( sambal goreng telur ) indonesian recipes

Rice Rolls with chicken Filling ( Lemper ) Indonesian recipes

Javanese Sweet Chicken in Spicy Sauce ( semur ayam jawa ) indoneisan recipes

Cow's Foot Curry ( Gulai Kikil ) indonesian recipes

Coconut Curry Vegetable (sayur lodeh) indonesian recipe

Fried Tofu and Tempeh in Spicy Sauce ( sambal goreng tahu tempe ) indonesian recipe

Squid in Padang Sauce ( Cumi saus padang ) indonesian recipes

Habang Chicken ( ayam masak Habang ) Indonesian Recipes

honey fried chicken ( ayam goreng madu ) indonesian recipes

west java sambal godog ( sambal godong jawa barat ) indonesian recipes

cassava leaves Curry ( Gulai daun singkong ) indonesian recipe