
Spicy Fish Fritters (Perkedel Ikan)

Fried Carrot Balls (Gorengan Bola-Bola Wortel)

Fried Red Soya Beans (Lentho)

The Perfect Sunny-Side Up Fried Egg

Fried Stuffed Tofu (Tahu Isi)

Chicken Mushroom Noodles (Mie Ayam Jamur)

Fresh Vegetables Pickles (Acar Mentah)

Beef and Bean Sprouts Soup with Rice Cake (Lontong Balap Surabaya)

Can we store frozen food long-term just anywhere in our freezer?

Stir-Fried Vegetables (Oseng-oseng Sayur)

Crunchy Turmeric Vegetable Pickles (Acar Kuning)

Fried Tofu with Black Shrimp Paste Surabaya Style (Tahu Tek Surabaya)

Potato Croquettes (Perkedel Kentang)

Spicy Tofu with Dark Sweet Soy Sauce (Kering Tahu)

Fried Fish Cake (Otak-otak Goreng)

Spicy Fried Sardines (Ikan Sarden Saos Tomat Pedas)

Steamed Glutinous with Coconut Sweet Filling (Kue Bugis/Kue Mendut)

Spicy Fried Chicken (Ayam Goreng Bumbu Pedas)

Saffron may help Lift your mood