Spicy Roasted Chicken Drumsticks (Paha Ayam Bakar Pedas)

Spicy Roasted Chicken Drumsticks

10 chicken drumsticks (medium size)
250ml thick santan (coconut milk) and 500ml thin santan from 1.5 coconuts
2 daun limau purut (kaffir lime leaves)
2 stalks serai (lemongrass), bruised
4 tbsp oil
salt and sugar to taste
3 tbsp sweet soy sauce mixed with 3 tbsp oil

Ground spices :

15 dried chilies, soaked
10 red chilies
10 pips garlic
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 tsp peppercorns
1.5 cm kunyit (saffron)
3/4 cm lengkuas (galangal)
5 buah keras (candlenuts)

Heat oil in the wok, and saute ground spices, serai and daun limau purut till fragrant.

Add chicken drumsticks and thin coconut milk, and cook till chicken is half done.

Then add thick coconut milk and cook till the gravy becomes thick and chicken is well done.

Remove and leave to cool. Glaze chicken drumsticks with sweet soy sauce and oil mixture. Grill till brown.

Remove and serve hot.
