shellfish stew field

shellfish stew field

a. 1 1/2 kg of mussels fresh virgin
b. 2 pcs curly red chilli, halved
c. 5 cloves garlic
d. 6 Btr onion
e. 1 stalk lemongrass, geprek
f. 1 vertebra finger ginger, crushed
g. 2 bay leaves
h. 2 PTG gelugur acid / sour kandis
i. 1/2 tsp sugar
j. 1/2 tablespoon salt
k. complement soy sauce

How To Make: 

1. virgin shells wash up missing the mud.
sliced onion and garlic.
3. boil the water and enter the red onion, garlic, red pepper, galangal, lemongrass, bay leaf, sour gelugur / kandis acid.
4. enter the shells, add salt and sugar pasir.masak until cooked.
5. serve boiled mussels complete with sauce kecap
