Bread Bolang Baling
Material A:
• 300 gr Sugar
• 3/4 tablespoon baking soda
• the tip of a teaspoon fermipan
• 500ml boiled water
Material B:
• 1/3 tbsp butter
• 1/2 tbsp emulsifier
Material C:
• 1 kg cake flour (I use a high protein wheat)
How to make :
1. Material A (except water) mix evenly, then given water, stirring until sugar is completely dissolved.
2. Allow the first 15 minutes or so.
3. Meanwhile, melt the material and, wait for it to cool.
4. After 15 minutes, mix the material C (flour) to the material A, knead until smooth half.
5. Enter the B material that has been melted, then knead again throughout the dough until smooth / not sticky.
6. Let stand for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes of turning the dough by inverting the dough on the edge toward the middle. Ensure at first reversal of this dough is less sticky to the touch.
7. Then let stand again for a while, about 15 minutes longer. Then back again, and the first store in plastic or sealed container for at least 2-3 hours. For cold storage should be much better.
8. Once it can be directly processed, cut. One batter kira2 could be 25-30 pieces, depending on the size of the cut .. :)
9. Actually, the most difficult is slaughtering. Different different hand pieces, and training should also be long.
10. Method of intersection (in outline):
• Sprinkle the pieces with flour table. Do not be too much, the important point average guess we would cut. Wear sieve flour if necessary. Open the dough, cut into 2 parts. Of half the dough that can be shared instantly thought into 15 small pieces.
• Take a small piece, rounded up to be a perfect sphere (like the meatball), then milled with a rolling pin until thin bread properly.
• O yes when he started to cut, be sure to heat the oil in a frying pan first, so that later when the finished cut can be directly deployed ..
• Continue again. With rounded first, then after thinned him will be a large thin circle. If you want to direct fried, just enter the thin dough from the edge of the frying pan of hot oil right after. He will automatically ballooned because of the encouragement of hot oil. Do not forget when frying, always stir the oil in a frying pan by rotating in the same direction, so that no current can push for a large ballooned. Like a propeller, so why is this in Semarang called Bolang Baling :)
• If you want to be content, when loaded before rounding / after cut into small pieces.
• If you want to sow sesame, first sow wijennya after sprinkling flour, freshly milled dough on it.
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