Rambutan fruit drinks and jackfruit Setup

Rambutan fruit drinks and jackfruit Setup
a. 700 cc of water
b. 200 gr sugar
c. 10 jackfruit seeds
d. 3 connective rambutan
e. 2 teaspoons cornstarch, thawed
f. 1 small piece of wood masnis

How to make:
1. rambutan fruit is separated from the skin and its contents
2. Discard jackfruit deseeded
3. Sugar, Cinnamon and water cooked to boiling, then filtered and boiled again until boiling
4. Enter the jackfruit and rambutan, cook about 3 minutes
5. Prior to his appointment, add cornstarch that has been thawed
6. Setup rambutan can be eaten warm or cold, served in a bowl or glass
