Papeda From Papua

Papeda From Papua 

Materials make papeda: 
• 100 g of corn starch 
• 1000cc water 
• 1/2 teaspoon salt 
• 1/2 tsp sugar

How to Make Papeda (Papua): 

1. Melt the corn starch with 300 ml of water 
2. Add salt and sugar 
3. Boil remaining water 
4. Pour boiling water into a solution of corn starch, stir gently so as sago cooked through 
5. Papeda said to be ripe when it is actually clear if still uneven ripening of dough can be cooked over low heat, stirring constantly 
6. If you have a clear lift and serve warm.Yellow Fish In Complement Papeda Kuah

Material : 

• 1/2 kg of tuna, wash and soak with lemon and salt 
• 1 lemon, squeeze• basil, siangi• green chili, remove the core 
• 2 tbsp oil for frying 
• 1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
• 2 bay leaves 
• 600 ml of boiled water

Softened seasoning: 

• 2 cloves of garlic 
• 4 shallots
• 3 pieces of hazelnut 
• 2 cm ginger 
• 2 cm turmeric
• 1 tbsp sugar
• 1 tablespoon teaspoon salt

How to make : 

1. Saute the spice paste and greetings along with lemongrass until fragrant and ripe 
2. Add the boiled water, cook until boiling 
3. Enter the fish, salt, sugar and cayenne pepper, and cook until the fish was overcooked 
4. Just before cooking is removed, add the basil leaves and lime juice, mix well 
5. Serve as a complement papeda
