

a. 500 grams of cassava, grated
b. Water just enough to squeeze
c. 3 cloves garlic
d. Salt to taste
e. The oil for frying


How To Make:
1. Squeeze the grated cassava with water, to obtain kira2 juice 1 small basin.
2. cassava juice for 3-4 hours to obtain a precipitate of cassava starch. White sediment, wet, sticky like glue.

3. Drying the sludge to dry cassava and can be sifted. The dried sediment shaped like flour.
4. Puree garlic and salt and add to the cassava pulp, mix.
5. The steamed cassava pulp that has been seasoned until cooked.
6. Combine the pulp cassava starch which has been dried and sieved. Then knead.
7. Divide the dough and formed
8. Fried in plenty of oil over low heat so that it expands.
9. Serve warm. Eaten with a sauce cocolan pecel. Also delicious dipped in a sauce cuko pempek.
