Gaguduh Benyalam

"Gaguduh Benyalam" Typical Kolak Banjar
10 pieces Banana kepok
200 grams of flour
600 ml aqueous Santan
125 ml thick coconut milk
150 grams of red sugar
Salt to taste
Pasta taste pandan
Water taste
1 sheet pandanus leaves

How To Make:
1. Peel the bananas and cut into four. Set aside
2. Mix flour, salt and water. Make do a bit thicker dough and add the pasta pandan taste.

3. Boil water dipanci. Dip the bananas keadonan until the dough is closed. Then cook diair boil and let it float. Drain
4. Boil the thin coconut milk, put brown sugar, salt and pandan leaves. After boiling the input banana, leave it for at least 5 minutes.
5. Finally enter the thick coconut milk and stir briefly. Remove and serve!
