grilled chicken honey ( ayam bakar madu )

ingredients :
- 1 kg chicken
- 2 teaspoons of salt
- 2 tablespoons thick honey
- 4 tablespoons soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon pepper powder
- 3 tablespoons of cooking oil
- 200 ml broth
- 7 grains of red onion , thinly sliced
- 5 cloves garlic , cut into small
- ½ teaspoon coriander

How to make :
- Puree onion , garlic , and cilantro .
- Mix the salt , honey , soy sauce , pepper powder , and spice paste into a bowl before . Add a little water , stir until well blended .
- basting the chicken with the spice mixture evenly earlier .
- Heat oil and saute chicken which had been smeared condiments until wilted . Add broth and ungkep for approximately 20-30 minutes . Remove and drain .
- Heat a grill that has been spread with butter on it .
- Burn that have been sauteed chicken until cooked earlier . Alternating chicken while basting with soy sauce
- Once cooked , remove from heat and serve honey grilled chicken on a serving plate .
- Garnish with vegetables, accompanied by chilli sauce .
