fried tempeh and tofu ( tempe dan tahu goreng )

250 gr/ 10 oz tempe
250 gr/10 oz tofu
Oil to deep fry (approx. 150 ml)

For Marinade:
1 clove or 2 cloves small garlic
1 tsp coriander seeds or 1/2 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp salt or to taste
100 ml cold water


Fried Tempe:
Slice the tempe & tofu in 1cm thinly rectangular shapes or as desired. Put aside.
For Marinade : Grind garlic, koriander & salt in a mortar / grinding stone and grind until smooth.
Add 100 ml cold water. Stir to mix. Try the taste & add more salt if necessary.
(The above step is necessary to get the optimum saltines.)
Soak the tempe & tofu in the mixture one by one with your hand. Make sure both side are marinated well. Put aside for 15 minutes..
Heat enough oil in a frid-pan on a medium heat.
Deep-fry the sliced tempe then tofu in a hot oil until gold brown. Pat-dry with kitchen paper if necessary. Serve hot.
