Recipe how to make Pickled Jicama (Asinan Bengkuang)

Recipe how to make Pickled Jicama (Asinan Bengkuang)
jicama is a fruit that contains a lot of water. many also benefit from the jicama pieces. nah we will try to make food ingredients of this fruit is pickled jicama jicama, and I think the food is just there in Indonesia. but if you want to try it I'll give the recipe to make it

500 g yam, shaved thin width

sauce :
500 ml cooking water
Cook 1 tbsp vinegar
2 tsp salt
100 g sugar
1 ounce of finely ground red pepper

How to make:
Sauce: Mix all ingredients together. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Should taste sweet and sour. Vinegar or sugar can be added according to taste.
Mixed yam with gravy. Store in the refrigerator for several hours to absorb.
